This week I can confidently say that falling sand no longer completely crushes a moveable body that it falls onto! (It does still crush it a lot, which isn't the best, but we'll get to that.)
First, a small announcement: I've formally resigned from my day job! I had already been working on this fulltime via extended leave, but from March 2nd onwards it'll be official. That did mean that I spent entirely way too much time this week wrapping day job things up, but now that it's mostly done I can get back to focusing on making physics pixels move around semi-predictably.
Secondly, some terminology: I'm sick of writing "physics pixels", so let's call them "atoms". They're the smallest indivisible unit of our game, and we know for a fact that atoms cannot be divided further, so the shoe fits.
Now, back to our usual programming: let's talk about inertia, and our blatant disregard of it.